Internship Experience at Bottega di Lungavita
As an intern at Bottega di Lungavita, I worked on the company’s expansion. I contacted dermatologists and reached out to the consumer base through the online marketing platform, MailChimp. I represented the company at various events and assisted my colleagues in handling online orders. I maintained the company’s margin details, designed descriptive cards and contacted possible partners with business proposals.
There were many instances during my internship when I was assigned work of which I had no prior knowledge. This taught me how to deal with new situations and develop my abilities. At first I found corporate communication difficult but I developed my communication skills through meetings with famous dermatologists and large companies. I had attended ten meetings with dermatologists along with my manager, after which my manager asked me to conduct a meeting by myself. I hesitated as I wasn’t confident about my abilities yet my manager encouraged me and ultimately, the meeting was a success. After this I learnt that I shouldn’t make assumptions about my abilities without facing the situation.
My term at Bottega di Lungavita was very challenging for me but my manager guided me whenever I needed her. She cleared my misconceptions about my abilities, and helped me to develop confidence in myself and realize my potential. There were times when I was demotivated and tried leaving the internship. But my colleagues taught me that one’s career graph will not always slope upwards; it will be a combination of wins and losses. The losses shouldn’t make one quit but should strengthen one for the future.
– Kiran Chawda