Trial and error as a new approach for jobs!
For some people, deciding on a career is easy, especially those who have found their passion and interests. What if you can’t figure your passion? Or what if you pursue your passion but still are confused about which job is the most suitable for you? According to a 2016 study by LinkedIn, millennials are job hopping more than previous generations. People who graduated between 2006 to 2010 (millennials) averaged 2.85 jobs in the five years after graduation and it is ever increasing since then (as compared to Gen X- an average of 1.6 jobs). Though we aren’t sure of our goals, we need to approach jobs in a way that we make the most out of it. A new approach to this is the trial and error approach where you learn to discover your potential strengths, passions and interest by experimenting through various internships and live projects. Think of it like a step by step ladder to gaining more clarity!
How does the trial and error approach to jobs help us?
- Gain new insights at different internships
Every new role will be a learning experience for you. A marketing role will help you understand the brand, market and customer audience more; a strategy role will force you to use your analytical mind and make you data-driven. A human resource role will give you better clarity on the company policy, employee relations etc. If you do not wish to change your company, you can always ask for an in-house lateral job switch. Since you are unsure of your career goals, this will be the best learning experience in knowing what is the right fit for you. At the end, all the business expertise that you will gain will serve you as a lifelong investment for your all round development!
- Build relationships across industries
As we all know your relationships are critical for your career. You will meet people coming from all walks of life having different mindsets, personalities and interests. When you are on your journey of trying various roles and figuring what you love, you can make the most of this by making strong connections to help you with your future. Some ways of doing so are interacting with many people and figuring out common interests. Done right, it can help you obtain advice, information, and support.
- Reap the benefits of risk taking
To ensure that you learn the most from this approach, be open to different kind of jobs and roles. You should go for different interviews, gauge every company’s requirement, sign up for corporate events and meetups, and move out of your comfort bubble! Only when you are more acceptable towards risks, challenges and change, the best will come to you. If you are more inclined towards Finance but get a HR job profile, take a pragmatic decision before jumping to a personal one.
Career happiness is a journey and not a destination. You may have to take a chance to keep making trial and error on something that may not turn out the way you like. But if you take this approach, you surely have a huge learning experience along the way!