Career resolutions you should make for the coming year!
This 2019, many want to improve themselves in some capacity: lose weight, get a promotion, make more money, spend time with family and more. Career resolutions are different because they are about how you work. Resetting a new you and achieving ambitious goals take time, thought and strategy. Progress is incremental, so start small and build on setting some goals for yourself. Around 80% of resolutions fail by March, so make resolutions that are action bound and thoughtful. Here are a few career resolutions you could set for 2019:
1. Organize efficiently!
According Business Insider’s survey of 800 respondents, 91 percent said they are efficient if their workspace was better organized. If you constantly have big piles of unorganized papers on your desk, never have things in the right file, do not update your calendar and do not manage your time, you will be running backwards.
2. Meet new people and ask for feedback!
It is easy to be in your comfort zone after a tough day at work than meeting new people. Networking will keep you sharp, up-to-date and connected. In terms of job placement, building professional relationships will give you an upper hand. According to Pay scale, approximately 80 percent of open positions are filled through networking. Go to industry events, attend networking seminars, take part in company activities and network through LinkedIn. When you have completed a project, try to get 15 minutes of a superior’s time for feedback. Use this feedback constructively, improve on your development areas and review your performance!
3. Know the best way to reduce stress
According to WHO, about 89% of the population in India say they are suffering from stress compared to the global average of 86%. Understand what triggers your stress and experiment with what calms you. Whether you stretch, meditate, breathe, go for a walk, go to the gym, read some poetry or scripture, ensure you’re in the right state of mind to handle conflict or important decisions.
It is imperative to stick to your resolutions and set realistic goals. Some people wish to volunteer, monitor progress regularly, spend time for themselves, learn skills and hobbies. How do you decide which is the best resolution to make? It can vary upon one’s interests. If you have been nervous to learn the tricks and shortcuts to Microsoft Word and Excel, to familiarize yourself with new software, now is your time to overcome it. Keep up with the latest skills and technology of your field. We wish you all the success in the coming year! Stay positive and motivated!